Dangers in Commercial Body Products

Chemicals in  commercial deodorants and antiperspirants

September is a wonderful time to detoxify our bodies. Our body naturally lets go of toxins each and every day, through sweat, lymph, breath and washroom visits.
Let me take this opportunity to have a rant about most commercial deodorants and antiperspirants!

Anything that you put onto your skin gets absorbed and carried throughout the entire body via the blood. Here’s a list of chemicals that are in conventional deodorants and antiperspirants.

ALUMINUM – linked with certain cancers and Alzheimers
PHTHALATES – endocrine disruptors
PROPYLENE GLYCOL – common name is anti freeze
FORMALDEHYDE – a known carcinogen
PARABENS – a hormone disruptor and linked with breast cancer

These chemicals are applied directly to our lymph area which is responsible for our immunity. Applying hormone disrupting chemicals, carcinogens and anti freeze to lymph nodes has no benefit to the body whatsoever! I know that some of you won’t be comfortable with not wearing antiperspirant deodorants but what if you only wore it to work and used a safer chemical free deodorant on your days off.

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