Reiki (pronounced ray key) is a wonderful Japanese healing therapy that works with the life force energy. This energy is in every living thing and some of you may be familiar with the Chinese term “chi”. “Ki” as in Reiki is the Japanese word for this life force energy and our wellness depends on it flowing freely.
The body has a unique way of storing life’s experiences. When our energy does not move continuously through the body, eventually that blockage will manifest into some physical complaint like pain, or disease.
If you think of our energy like a smooth flowing river and life’s experiences as boulders disturbing that flow, the reiki helps to remove those boulders and return the flow to normal. Illness is a result of imbalance at a deeper level, either emotionally, mentally or spiritually.
Reiki does not conflict with other health care practices but enhances it’s results. It does not interfere with traditional medical treatment but facilitates benefits. Reiki will speed the healing process and provide a source of restoring energy while a person is ill, under medical treatment or recovering. It’s gentle nature complements any invasive therapies that people may need to undertake.
I have reikied people in hospitals, retirement and nursing homes and worked with the terminally ill in their own homes. Usually a reiki treatment is carried out on a massage table, with the client fully clothed, covered with a blanket while relaxing music is played.