Gillian’s Story
My practice, Healer Within, started when I originally trained in aromatherapy massage in 1996. After a few years of working with clients, I noticed a definite link between how a client thought, spoke and acted and how that reflected in their physical health. I noticed that most people are passive about their life and just let things happen to them which seems such a shame since they’re missing out on so much.
I became intrigued by the mind body connection which prompted me to study more holistic therapies including reiki, neuro linguistic programming, hypnosis, emotional freedom technique, beam therapy, “The Work” by Byron Katie and the teachings of Abraham Hicks Therapies that inspire change through altering the way we think, speak and behave.
Throughout my 20 years in the healing arts, I have had plenty of opportunity to practice all these different techniques on myself and have seen my life blossom as a result of being open to the possibility of something better. I ask nothing from a client that I have not experienced myself.
In 2014 I had my ultimate test of practicing what I taught to my clients when I was involved in an accident. I sustained several broken bones and required surgery and was told not to expect to be able to walk properly again. Although that was devastating news, I knew that that was just the belief of the surgeon who operated on me and at that moment I could decide whether it was what I believed in too. Alternatively, I could choose a much more empowering belief in my body’s miraculous ability to heal itself. I chose the latter and decided to support my body on all levels through it’s own healing journey.
Each day was spent listening to what my body needed and nurturing it back health. Although I endured significant pain during the 6 month recovery, I knew that I had to accept the situation fully in order to work through it. That was not easy and some days I was not a happy camper but I knew that what I resisted persisted! Sometimes I would sit in my wheelchair and feel sorry for myself and I would allow myself that time. Since that made me feel pretty lousy, I would just try and think of one thought that could lift me into a slightly better place. I didn’t aim to jump from lousy to fantastic, that would be too unrealistic but just one thought that made me feel slightly better. Then another thought and so on. Nothing too earth shattering or too difficult just a slight movement out of despair towards something a little better. I would delve deep within myself to understand why I had drawn this accident to me for I know that we create our own experiences. I’m grateful for the insights that I received.
As a result of this experience I now have more understanding of how wonderful our bodies are and the miracles that can happen if we open ourselves up to the possibilities.
I’m passionate about the work that I do and love working in a creative way with individual clients showing them how they too can experience vibrant health mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.